Spring Clean: THC Beverages for an Alcohol-Free Season
Is it just us, or is the spring cleaning itch coming a little early this year? While you’re decluttering your closets, check in with your alcohol habits. Now might be a good time for a quick detox—without skipping out on the fun. So open the windows, clean out the cobwebs and grab a clr!ty to get an alcohol-free cleanse in before summer.

Keep Your Focus with a THC Coffee
When you’ve got a full garage of whatever to get through this weekend, you need all the help you can get. clr!ty CoffeePot brings together the best of THC and coffee to keep you energized, focused and LOVING your laundry list of tasks for the weekend.

Swap in a THC Seltzer to Reduce Anxiety
Don’t let your spring cleaning to-do list stress you out! There’s evidence that THC products can help manage the symptoms of anxiety. Stick to a Pink Lemonade clr!ty THC seltzer on a night out and skip the hangover—and hanxiety—in the morning.

Mix in a THC Seltzer to Help Relax Your Muscles
Give your muscles a rest after a Saturday of spring cleaning. The approachable high of a 5mg THC Blue Razzberry clrt!ty seltzer can help you sink into relaxation this spring. Release the muscle tension (maybe even easier than releasing those old clothes to the thrift store).

Pop a THC Gummy for a Night Cap
Clean out the cobwebs in your mind with a good night’s rest after a long day of spring cleaning. Clr!ty Zzzzs gummies combine THC, CBD and CBN to help you relax and unwind without messing with your bedtime routine.
However you get your spring cleaning on, grab a clr!ty THC beverage or gummy to help you and stay alcohol-free this spring. Learn more about the benefits of THC here.